Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November Update I

Hey everyone! How are you all doing? good! Thought so lol. Anyway I felt like coming on a giving a little update of my activities lately. School wise I have just been hauling butt to get my essays done with. I got 6 to write before I leave here in December. So far so good on them I will be finishing one tomorrow and I will be working on my second towards the end of the week. So for the most part I am doing one essay per week. Aside from school I have gone to a football match here which was awesome. You can see my previous post to get the details. I will be going to another football game Wednesday evening, which is going to be awesome. Last weekend I went to a huge fireworks and bonfire show in remembrance of Guy Fawkes's failed attempt to blow up Parliament in 1605. It was amazing to say the least. As far as my plans for my remaining time here I am taking a trip to Cardiff, Wales Nov. 19-21, Salisbury / Stonehenge Nov. 27, Edinburgh, Scotland Dec. 4 & 5, and lastly to Dublin, Ireland Dec. 10- 12. I hope everyone is doing fine and I can't to wait to come back home. Till then cheers!


  1. I figured your drop off in posting was timed with you having to get some real work done. Have a great time on your "field trips". If you get bored over there we are getting Christmas trees on the 18th if you need something to do.

  2. @Les: He won't be bored when he gets back, trust me. lol I'm kidnapping him directly from the airport. Nice try though. ;)
