Thursday, November 18, 2010

November Update II

     Hello again everyone. I just wanted to make a short update thus far of things. Nothing really new on my end at the moment although I am making some good headway into my essays. But more importantly I had a fun evening yesterday with some of my friends. That evening we decided to go see Let Me In at the nearby cinema in town. I have to say that move was AWESOME!!!! hahaha I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a different sort of vampire movie. I can say that it kicks Twilight's ass in my opinion. Although to be fair each movie appeals to different sorts of people so it depends on your taste in movies. But nether the less the movie in my mind was great. I definitely want to get it once it comes out on DVD. Anywho... before the movie we all went to Nandos, a Portuguese type restaurant. I had Peri - Peri chicken, which is a Afro-Portuguese type flavored chicken. It was delicious! It was a nice sized portion that was barbecued and the meat fell right off the bone mmmm!  Anyway that is all I have to report for now. I shall get back on here after I get back from my Cardiff trip Sunday evening.



  1. Yeah, twilight appeals to a specific set of people: brain-dead teenage girls and their 40-something mothers. Gah. Anyway, the Portuguese food sounds delicious!! Now to think of a way for you to get it home so I can have some...anywho, enjoy your trip to Cardiff this weekend!

  2. Joe Reed, you missed Christmas trees today!
