Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The British Museum

Here are my awesome pictures of my time in the British Museum. I only had about 2.5 hours to spend here before having to go to dinner but I got quite a lot of cool stuff. I was so happy to finally be able to see the Rosetta Stone and the friezes from the Parthenon in Athens, Greece. Those two would definitely be crowning jewels of my time here. Although I also got awesome shots of various Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, and many other ancient items from various civilizations of the world. I hope you all enjoy. If you want to know what certain pieces are from I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities.



  1. We just finished watching NOVA about the restoration of the Parthenon. It mentioned the Elgin marbles.

  2. Oh nice. That was on PBS right? The marbles were beautiful. Just being so close to them makes you think of just the scale of the Parthenon and how impressive it was to build and carve those friezes.

  3. I'm not a huge history buff, so I won't butcher any of the names of the items found in the museum. I recognized the Rosetta Stone though! One out of..alot isn't too bad, right? As always, keep the pics coming.
