Thursday, October 14, 2010

Campus Pics!

Hola people! Tonight I decided to post some pictures of the campus of Leicester as well give a little brief about what it is like being on said campus. To begin the campus in size is a little bit smaller than Old Dominion Uni but has about the same number of buildings for academics. So getting from one building to another is very quick and efficient. For my classes I only have to run through three buildings during the week. One is the Archaeology & Ancient History building, the second is the Chemistry building, and lastly I have to go to the Law building. Quite a random jump of buildings just for lectures in Archaeology and Ancient History eh? But what can you do lol. The pics below will show many parts of campus including the buildings I am in. Also I added in some comments below the pictures of anything of note. So enjoy and I shall talk to you all soon.

Cheers -

The first two pictures above show just some of the many landscaping work they incorporate into the uni. 

This is the Archaeology and Ancient History Building.

This is Victoria Park, me and my friends go play soccer (football) when the weather permits. This park is enormous in size I was quite amazed when I first came to it.

Here is the Library. I like to call this my second home cause I am always here doing readings for my classes.

The tall cheese grater building in the back and the building on the left is the Attenborough building. There is no working elevator in that building so I love climbing 17 stories lol. 

Awww yes the Student Union building. This place is equivalent to the Webb at Old Dirty. However I think this building is way better than the Webb due to the fact that the entire building was just renovated so its awesome inside. It has a great restaurant, a Starbucks, several student shops, the student council is in there as well. Oh and did I mention there is a bar and nightclub downstairs! :P

The building to the left is the chem. building but I did not get a picture of it sadly. The building in the way back is the Geology building.

The building on the left is the main administrative building for the uni and the one on the right is the Economics building. If you keep following the road down toward the end and cut a right the gym is there.

That building is the CW building I really just like going in there for lunch from one of three places in there. The prices are quite cheap ( daily special is only 2 quid) 


Lastly we have the bus stop everyday in the afternoon this place is packed and when we are on the bus it feels like being in a sardine can.

1 comment:

  1. I googled some more pics of Victoria Park earlier. It is larger than I had imagined it to be.
