Tuesday, October 5, 2010

England Update

     Hey there folks today I felt like finally typing some news instead of posting just pictures. Although the pictures can say a thousand things I am feeling in the mood to write lol. Anyway from my last entry I finally moved into my permanent dorm for the semester. I really like my room. It is very spacious and my roommate is very nice. His name is Jae Min he is from S. Korea ( correction to the name by the way, I thought his name was Yoshi at first but that was the name of one of my dorm mates here). On Saturday eight of the residents went on a drinking binge and caused a lot of commotion that evening (i.e. playing music so loud that I could hear it through my headset in my room and them trying to lock pick into my room at 6am while still drunk ). the end result of that night for those guys was a warning from the sub warden and one of them going to the hospital for drinking too much alcohol. Aside from that fun adventure I went out to a party at the O2 academy on Campus and I must say Cider is awesome but potent lol. Last weekend I took weekend trips to Nottingham and to Warwick Castle. I personally enjoyed Warwick Castle the best. I was very ecstatic to finally be able to see a real castle. The one in Nottingham was more like a huge manor than a castle. Today I finally completed my class registration. That process by the way is the biggest pain in the ass. I had to traverse the campus many times during the week to take papers to the respective departments and set up my classes. At last that is finally behind me. One other thorn in my rear was that  the management class I wanted to take filled up and I had to pick something else. I decided to pick up Intro. to world archaeology: BC. It was something that sounded really cool and fun to me as well as being able to transfer the credits back to ODU.  This weekend I got quite a bit of fun planned :). On Friday I am going with the Archaeology dept. to Burrough Iron Age Fort, a ancient Roman fortification on a hill near Leicester that the school has been excavating. Saturday I am taking a day trip to London with the ISA (International Student Association) weeeeee. Lastly on Sunday I am going out to the city centre to a pub with the study abroad society for a gathering. I will be posting some pictures of the city soon so be ready  till then cheers :).


  1. Joe, it sounds like you are having a great time (other than the rowdies, must be soccer hooligans). I am envious.

  2. Am I the only one that thinks a campus organization for students meeting up in a pub is nuts? lol I'd love if ODU would schedule some club meeting in a bar. Now THAT shit would be awesome. We Americans have it wroooong. Anywho, I'm sorry to hear that your class registration was such a pain. Look at it this way: even if you're not taking really important classes toward your degree you're still getting an awesome experience that will look good on a resume for work or grad school

  3. Oh, and very well-written btw. I'm not just saying that as a confidence-booster either.
