Tuesday, October 19, 2010

First Week of Classes Update.

Well technically its been over a week now lol but I finally got some time to write on here. My first week of classes was quite good. I had one class per day last week since my seminars that go with each of my three classes will not start till this Thursday. I am really enjoying the subject matter we are going over in each of the classes, which range from human evolution to Roman history.  The classes themselves are in large lecture theaters with about 80 students in them. The lectures also have a seminar that go along with them. The seminars are broken down into small groups of 5 - 12 students. In the seminar groups we  have a round table style debate/discussion on a given issue presented each week. The class time is very short compared to Old Dominion's lectures due to the British way of studying which is based on the idea that the student should do more self study on the subject. As far as graded work is concerned  students are required to do one research paper and in January they do a written exam  to get their final mark for the module (class). Because I am a study abroad student I have to leave in the middle of December to go back home. As a result I have to do an extra essay for each class. The essays themselves are not to long in length with the longest one being of 2,500 words and the shortest being 1,500. So for the next month or so I will be doing quite a bit of research for my papers so  I can continue to travel around :D. The good news about classes here in the UK we do not need to buy many textbooks. Most texts we need are in the library to use. Unfortunately however I had to buy two books for two of my classes due to the library not having them. Not too big of a deal since they only cost me a combined $80.  In my next post I will be listing out my travel plans for the remainder of my stay. More trips could be planned depending on my monetary situation after my core trips are finished but I can not be for certain Till then cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Self-study and frequent debates?? Sign me up, pronto. I'm glad to hear you didn't have to spend too much money on books. That means you'll have more funds for your Dublin trip (still jealous of that btw).
