Saturday, October 9, 2010

Quick Update

Just wanted to make a quick update before I crash into bed from exhaustion lol. Today I made a awesome trip to London. To put it simply it was amazing! I had such a good time there I didn't want to leave that afternoon. Alas though I had to leave bleh. Anywho I would tell the epic adventures of my travels but I am too tired from all the walking around today plus I've been up for the last 16 hours. Sooooo I shall be posting the epicness that is London tomorrow after I wake up from my coma. But I think I will leave you all with a lil something to tie you over till tomorrow :)



1 comment:

  1. You said you took 40 or 50 pics. Post 'em darnit! The suspense isn't killing me per se, but it's causing me mild irritation. Get crackin'.
